RH | US Customary


The sections below give important information about the VERSION 9.1 UPDATE program.

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Last Revised: 24 Nov 2022

Right-Hand Traffic | US Customary

The content of this training program has been prepared according to driving on the right-hand side of the road and using US Customary units.

Session 1

Topic 1: Output by Movement Class
  • How to choose the Movement Classes (Light Vehicles, Heavy Vehicles, Buses, Bicycles, Large Trucks, Light Rail / Trams and user-defined Movement Classes) and the performance statistics (degree of saturation, delay, travel time, stop rate, cost, emissions, etc.) to be included in output reports and displays by Movement Class.
  • Example mvu1

Topic 2: HCM Edition 6 Extended Roundabout Capacity Model
  • The US research basis and features of basis of the new HCM 6x roundabout capacity model option. How to use the new HCM 6x model option.
  • Differences in results from HCM 6 and HCM 6x models.
  • Example mvu2

Topic 3: Differences in Results between Versions 9.1 and 9.0
  • Versions 9.1 and 9.0 have the same project file format (sip 9) but there may be significant differences in results. The reasons for this include the updated congestion term in performance functions.
  • Additional input parameters including the Extra Midblock Delay parameter.

Q & A

Session 2

Topic 4: Network Layout and Roundabout Layout Enhancements
  • How to use new features of the Network Configuration facility to achieve better Network Layout pictures.
  • The new features of roundabout layout pictures.
  • Right-clicking over a Site in Network Layout pictures and Lane Displays for Networks to access Site functions.
  • Example mvu3

Topic 5: New Site and Network Templates
  • A preview of the new Site and Network Templates. The commands to use for ease of including templates in your project.

Topic 6: User Reports, PDF Output, Customising Output
  • How to define User Report Templates, use the PDF Output function and Customise output reports and displays.
  • Example mvu4

Topic 7: Short Lane Upstream Delays and Stops
  • How to control inclusion of delays and stops experienced by drivers in the queue that forms upstream of short lane entry. Complexities of factors that affect the short lane model results.
  • Example mvu5

Q & A

Session 3

Topic 8: Variable Demand Model for Congestion Modelling
  • What is Variable Demand Modelling? How to use the Initial Queued Demand input for multi-period analysis of congested conditions using the Residual Queued Demand for oversaturated lanes determined in the previous analysis period.
  • Example mvu6

Topic 9: Traffic Signal Analysis Improvements
  • US format labelling of signal phases.
  • Editable phasing diagrams in all tabs of the Phasing & Timing dialog.
  • Function to import signal sequences.
  • A Time-Distance Display example using new options to show the Effective Timings, Displayed Timings and Secondary Platoons.
  • Pedestrian Actuation and Minor Phase Actuation: Understanding the changes to signal timing results arising from the improved method of determining minimum green times which accounts for Pedestrian Actuation and Minor Phase Actuation requirements.
  • Example mvu7

Topic 10: Other New Features
  • Unsignalised Pedestrian Crossings (What are the changes in Conflict Zone Length calculations? Where to find the analysis results for Unsignalised Pedestrian Crossings).
  • Gap acceptance capacity model: parameters applied to each Movement Class separately.
  • VOLUMES Excel Utility with a new function to Import Volumes from external sources (VicRoads and Matrix volume data spreadsheets).
  • New Floating Licence.

Q & A and Training Evaluation Survey



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