Dedicated to the transport profession worldwide

Aerial photograph of road
what is SIDRA intersection

Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to the transport profession worldwide for the benefit of the community through contributing to safe, environment-friendly and efficient traffic operations.

Close up top view of young people putting their hands together

Our Values

Our products are designed and delivered to contribute to a better world for everyone. Our business is conducted with careful consideration of the environment, for the benefit of our industry, community and employees.

Traffic Signal

Our Brand

Under the SIDRA SOLUTIONS brand, our innovative and forward thinking company has created powerful traffic engineering software used by transport professionals in all corners of the globe.

fast cars on highway in evening light

Our Products

Our software tools have been created to help achieve better solutions to challenges in the areas of road traffic operations, design, planning and environmental assessment.

Rahmi Akcelik May 2014

Dr Rahmi Akçelik

The success of our products has been built on reputation and career-long achievements of Dr Rahmi Akçelik, who is the company director and author of SIDRA INTERSECTION and SIDRA TRIP.

As a result of Dr Akçelik's lifelong contribution to his field, motorists around the world have benefited from the practical application of his research. He has gone the extra mile in training and advising thousands of Australian and international traffic systems professionals.

Mark Besle Suit

Mark Besley

Mark Besley is a scientist and software specialist who has worked in the traffic management area. He has been making a significant contribution to the development of the SIDRA INTERSECTION software in collaboration with Dr Rahmi Akçelik since the 1980s. Mr Besley is also a Director of SIDRA SOLUTIONS.