Our Values

Aerial photograph of road

Our products are designed and delivered to contribute to a better world for everyone. Our business is conducted with careful consideration of the environment, for the benefit of our industry, community and employees.

Delivering high quality software

We provide state of the art software tools based on 40+ years of development and leading research. We have developed these continuously in response to feedback from practising transport and traffic engineers and planners around the globe.

Providing a satisfying customer experience

We aim to achieve and maintain a high standard of customer service to ensure our customers remain fully satisfied and loyal to our business.

A safe, friendly and equitable workplace for our employees

We recognise our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees. This commitment extends to ensuring that the organisation's operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness or property damage.

Our people related socially responsible policies include:

  • Obligations to our staff for flexible work arrangements under the National Employment Standards.
  • Extremely flexible working hours, considering mothers with children, working from home when they need.
  • A system encouraging open communications.
  • Bonuses given to encourage and reward achievements.
  • Strict policies on Health and Safety.
  • Encourage training and personal development.
  • Individual employee handbooks clearly document policies in relation to ethical behaviour within the workplace and worldwide business operating practices.

Improving the health of our environment

Environmental benefits: Our software packages are used by traffic engineers and transport planners to provide efficient traffic movements in the transport system. Efficient traffic movement minimises delay, energy use and air pollution, and is achieved through measures that prevent unnecessary queuing and traffic congestion. Small improvements to network performance that can be achieved add up to large economic and community benefits worldwide.

Our research and development efforts place special emphasis on modelling of fuel consumption and emissions for more accurate transport solutions towards an improved environment.

Green product design and delivery: We provide download-only software via our eCommerce which is delivered and stored permanently online in the customers’ account, so there is no need to produce DVDs.

Sharing knowledge with our community

We are actively involved in our industry and community in the following ways:

  • We do our own research and develop our own methodologies to help our customers to solve emerging problems – these findings are published on our website and regularly presented at conferences around the world.
  • We sponsor awards such as the undergraduate prize at the Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR) and the SIDRA SOLUTIONS Postgraduate Award.

Ethical business practices and quality management standards

We are an ISO 9001 Quality Certified company. This quality system certificate is the world’s most recognised business management standard, with a process and system approach and a focus on continual improvement of the business.