Transport modelling for project managers - a critique of Austroads Report AP-R621-20

Aerial photograph of road


This technical note presents a critical review of the Austroads Report AP-R621-20 (Building Transport Modelling Management Capability) for project managers, modelling guide developers and modellers using analytical and simulation software for transport and traffic modelling. The critique highlights key areas of deficiencies of the Austroads report, in particular its traffic model categorisation scheme which forms the basis of the report. It recommends that Austroads undertakes a major revision of this report to rectify the inconsistencies in the model categorisation scheme and its implications for model choice. It also suggests corrections to a large number of incomplete discussions and errors in technical details pertaining to analytical and simulation modelling for intersections and networks.

In response to this critique report, Austroads carried out a major revision of Report AP-R621-20 and replaced it with Research Report AP-R647-21 (Management of Traffic Modelling Processes and Applications).

Refer to the second edition of the critique report titled Management of traffic modelling - a critique of Austroads Report AP-R621-20 (Transport modelling for project managers), 2nd Edition which was prepared in response to Austroads Report AP-R647-21.

For a detailed summary visit:
Transport and Traffic Modelling for Project Managers


AKÇELIK, R., BESLEY, M., ESPADA, I. and NASH, D. (2020). Transport modelling for project managers - a critique of Austroads Report AP-R621-20. Technical Note. Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.