Site, Network & Route Outputs

Aerial photograph of road

Site, Network & Route Outputs

Various output reports and displays are available in SIDRA INTERSECTION 9:

  • User Reports: Users can define User Report Templates to include selected output report and display elements (tables, graphical displays).
  • Customised output: Users can select the elements (tables, graphical displays) that they wish to include in standard reports and displays.
  • PDF Output: PDF Output function is available to save the output reports and displays in a PDF report.
  • Consistent displays for Sites, Networks and Routes: Approach Displays, Lane Displays, Movement Displays, Lane Flows, Movement Flows displays for Sites, Networks and Routes, and Midblock Flow and Lane Changes displays for Networks and Routes presented consistently.  Other reports are listed below.  
  • Network reports and displays: Diagnostics, Network Summary, Network Graphs, Network Variable Run Phase Timings, Signal Offsets.
  • Route reports and displays: Route Summary, Route Travel Performance, Time-Distance diagram (one or two directions).
  • Site reports and displays (individual Sites and Network Sites): Diagnostics, Detailed Output, Intersection Summary, Movement Summary, Lane Summary, Fuel, Emissions & Cost, Queue Analysis, Lane Blockages, Lane Changes, Graphs, Variable Run, Lane LOS, Demand Flows.
  • Signal Timing reports for Sites (individual Sites and Network Sites): Phasing Summary, Timing Analysis, Movement Timing, Saturation Flows Signal Coordination, Multiple Sequence Analysis, Pedestrian Analysis.
  • Roundabout and Sign Control reports: Roundabout Analysis, Roundabout Metering, Sign Control Analysis.
  • Other reports: Input Comparison reports for Sites and Networks, Output Comparison reports for Sites, Networks and Routes, Project Summary report.